Saturday, December 15, 2012

Writing down what you eat

I always thought I ate pretty well-I don't eat sweets, junk or bread.  I love fruits and vegetables.  But it wasn't until I started writing down what I was eating that I realized I wasn't eating as well as I thought I was!  I was doing about 80%, which isn't good enough, especially if you are trying to lose weight.  Writing down what I was eating helped me to focus better and to make better choices.  It was a lot easier to see if I was eating the food I was supposed to be eating and not eating what I shouldn't be eating.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Genetically modified foods are not natural, they are artificially manipulated foods. This is just one more reason to shop the outside rows of your supermarket. For better health you should strive to eliminate processed foods and eat as much live organic food as possible. On Saturday the Norwich troops were doing push ups for food donations for the foodbank. Caitlinn and I had a hard time finding food to donate that was not processed and was non-perishable.

The following link can tell you more about GMO labeling issues.

DR Pam